Wednesday 23 October 2013

Get Ready For Your Next Grunge Match!

We move mountains of laundry each week and expect that our clothes are clean and fresh. However, a recent study by public health experts featured in the Daily Mail, found that laundry washed at 40 degrees Celsius has only 14 per cent fewer germs.

The study also found that one in four items of clothing washed at 40 degrees contain faecal bacteria, with children’s cuddly toys and baby-grows carrying the highest amounts, while toddlers’ underwear contain the most bacteria overall. To reduce the bacteria, the experts recommend washing your clothes at 60 degrees or higher, or using a laundry disinfectant.

If you’re making a beeline to go and sanitise your washing machine, then hang on - bear in mind that extra detergent doesn't get things extra clean. Instead, the excess suds can carry odours and bacteria beyond where the water inside the drum can reach and leave an unpleasant residue that can transfer on to clothing.

There is however, a money-saving option with Dri-Pak Soda Crystals. Although Soda Crystals are well known for their ability to cut through tough stains and dirt on clothes, they’re equally good at giving your washing machine a thorough clean.

Every month, run an empty machine on a hot wash with up to half a pack of Soda Crystals. This will deodorise the drum’s interior and keep the machine and the outlet pipes clean and free from a build-up of bacteria, dirt, grease and hard water salts. Regularly cleaning the machine’s door seals and detergent drawer will also help. Plus, leave the door ajar after each load of laundry to allow the interior to dry - doing this can reduce the growth of bacteria inside.

If you live in a hard water area and see a frequent build up of limescale in your washing machine, then run it on a maintenance wash every four to eight weeks, using a cup of Citric Acid or White Vinegar.  This will descale the machine and prevent the build up of limescale. The harder your water, the more regularly you will need to do it. 
Alternatively, switch your regular fabric softener for White Vinegar! Not only will it soften your laundry, it will help keep limescale deposits at bay. And don't worry, you're clothes will smell fresh and clean - White Vinegar is a natural deodoriser and the vinegar smell will dissipate before your wash cycle is done.

This should save you money in the long run because if limescale is left untreated, your energy bills will rise as the electricity goes towards heating the limescale first.

All this should keep your machine functioning efficiently to deliver outstanding results.  

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