Thursday 31 January 2013

Traditional and Economical: How products from yesteryear can help you save money!

Soda Crystals 1955
Soda Crystals Box from 1955

There is a wealth of money saving hints and thrifty ideas around to help us weather these austere times, but this is not the first time the people of Britain have had to tighten their belts and be careful with their pennies! During the Second World War, British families had to carefully plan their outgoings and ‘make do and mend’ the possessions they had. Luxuries were rare, and even basic supplies like soap were rationed, so cleaning products like Soda Crystals became favourite alternatives for laundry and cleaning tasks.

Soda Crystals Packing Factory
Soda Crystals Packing Factory
Soda Crystals are once again gaining popularity due to their effective cleaning power, sustainability and versatility, as well as their economical value. For under a pound for a 1kg bag, Soda Crystals have hundreds of uses around the home, from unblocking a slow-draining sink, to clearing a driveway of moss, and removing laundry stains like grease, ink and blood.

Other traditional products like White Vinegar have also been used for centuries for cleaning. Remember Granny’s tip of cleaning windows and mirrors with White Vinegar and newspaper? Well it works a treat, and can also be used for removing limescale from taps, shower screens and draining boards or even as a fabric softener and dishwasher rinse aid!

Old Lux Soap Flakes Ad
Before washing machines were an essential part of every kitchen, laundry was a long and laborious task making use of wash boards, wooden dollys and soap flakes. Whilst these old-fashioned items are no longer necessary, easy to use Liquid Soap Flakes are especially good for washing delicate items like silk, lace, wool, and outdoor clothing, as well as cleaning leather, wooden floors, and natural stone.

These simple, multi-purpose products are just as effective as one-task modern-day products and their versatility means there’s more room in the cupboard and more money in your pocket! 

Have you switched to traditional products to save money?

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